Tag Archive for: tauros

Grote grazers los in begrazingsgebied Harderbos

In het natuurgebied Harderbos grazen sinds deze zomer taurossen…

Dekstier wengebied Maashorst noodgedwongen vervangen

De tauros dekstier van het wengebied in De Maashorst moet plaatsmaken…

Documentaire: The return of the Aurochs

Onze Tauros speelt de hoofdrol in de internationale documentaire…

Tag Archive for: tauros

Greater Coa Valley Portugal

This area is located in northern Portugal, close to the Spanish border.

Milovice Nature Reserve

The Milosevic Nature Reserve is a Natura 2000 area, located near Prague in the Czech Republic.

Iberian Highlands

The Dehesa de Solanillos forest is an area in the Iberian Highlands in Spain.