natural grazing

Our knowledge and expertise, built up over decades, is our strength. We know which fences work and how to optimally organize an area so that it is safe for visitors and grazers and they do not get in each other’s way. We dream about grazers and speak the language of the animals. Based on our experience, we can predict what will happen when you want to work with grazers. It is up to the site owner what goals they have in mind, we advise on this. Always looking for the balance between nature and recreation.
You can contact us for the following services, among others:

Grazing advice

We advise on the species, breeds, animals and numbers to be used and the desired dynamics within them. We do this based on our broad ecological expertise and years of experience. We also advise on fences, cattle grids and corrals. And if desired, we can also draw up a grazing vision.

Total management

Grazelands is increasingly being asked to carry out total management for an area. In addition to grazing, you can consider additional mowing management, grid maintenance, public information and education. Sometimes we work together with our regular partners.

Working from and with the animals

We ‘read’ our animals like no other. This makes us unique. The animal decides and we facilitate. We use all materials and techniques to minimize stress on the animals.


From spring 2024, our training course ‘natural grazing and herd management’ will start. A hands-on training course with a lot of focus on fieldwork, which will of course include the principles behind natural grazing. You can already put yourself on a list if you are interested in participating or if you would like to receive more information.